
Trusting the Sovereign God

We all know about the sovereignty of God. But how much do we trust His sovereign ways? I have been doing a sermon series in Job by Austin Duncan from the Crossroads Ministry at Grace Community Church. Chapters 22-24 hit really hard and it was also a period in my life where I was struggling to trust in His Sovereignty.

Below are some of the main points and the link to the sermon if you wish to hear it.


    The Bible never attempts to prove that God Is. The Bible just confirms it.
    Every bit of theology is practical.
    What we believe of God will be displayed in our life.
    Theology means the study of God
    Understand who God is and what He is doing.
    Theology is for doxology and devotion.

Three theological lessons we can learn from these passages:

1. Resist the temptation to explain everything

There will be times in your life that you won’t be able to explain everything. Be content to be lacking in understanding the situation, especially in sufferings. It matters to God if you are hurting and he cares for you (Ephesians 3:18-19)

2. Trust God in Hope

Job 23:8-10; Proverbs 20:24; 3:5. Job does not know what God is doing but He trusts in the theology of the fact that God knows what He is doing. The biggest temptation while we are suffering is trying to figure out things on our own. We can’t understand all of it but we have the capacity to trust Him!

3. We must embrace God’s sovereignty

We as human beings have a high view of ourselves. God does not need to ask our permission when He puts us in a trial. God is absolutely Sovereign. If we were given reigns to control our situation, we would be utterly miserable!

I hope the summary has helped you understand few of the important things we need to keep in mind when we are going through sufferings.It is good to prepare our minds during normal days, so that our mind is better equipped during a trial.

Have a blessed Sunday!

Justice · sovereignity

To Remember Who sits on the Throne

Something that has been coming back to me recently is God’s absolute control over every single situation. There are times when I do forget this truth and get so bogged down by things around me that I tend to lose focus on Christ. Justice is something I have been struggling with lately.

There were times in the past few months where it seemed that people who did wrong were getting away with it.That’s when I really had to come under His word and turn to His truth and remember that God is just and no one gets away with doing wrong. It might seem at the moment that the wicked have victory over the righteous, but that is not so. I love how the Psalmist puts it in  Psalm 37 :1-2

 Fret not yourself because of evildoers;
be not envious of wrongdoers!
For they will soon fade like the grass
and wither like the green herb.

Later on in the Psalm ( vs 5-6) he encourages us to commit our ways to the Lord
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him, and he will act.
He will bring forth your righteousness as the light,
and your justice as the noonday.

Most of the time  I want to take matters into my own hand forgetting my Lord and Master is still alive and on the Throne and He does have things under control. I need to continually focus on His attributes and His promises and rest in  them.

God’s sovereignity

I have always been amazed as to how the Lord works in my life..the people that i come in contact with..the place i work…to know that He is in control of everything…it is just a releiving thought to know that He is the one that leads my life…for me working in the my current job has been a struggle for some time now…but to know n be content that this is the place the Lord wants me to be…everyday i am challenged to live a godly life…i get to interact wid the students and today i got to even share the gospel with some one…something what i have been learning is to to submit to God’s will…I know i dont have a flashy job…or a great salary like my friends do…but m happy here and m learning to be content and to accept watever the Lord gives me and to thank Him for that..I am glad that he is sovereign over my life…