

It has been a while I have written here. It has been a crazy couple of months. Wrapping up the busiest quarter at work, coming down with a bad version of COVID (that took weeks to come out of- and still recovering from long-term COVID), packing and moving homes for my parents and now another round of moving for me. The months have just been planning, cleaning, organizing, coordinating and I have barely had the time to sit down and relax. Work has slowed down a bit and I am grateful for some respite. Catching up with friends outside has been a joy. I am always thankful for the good ones that stick long term 😀

I still continue to work from home, which honestly is working for me right now. I have started going to the office and plan to keep a balance of work from home and office so that I don’t go completely insane in isolation lol. It is good to have some sort of normalcy in my city. I am hoping that it would last longer even as I read the news about the hundredth COVID wave that will hit India.

Getting back to in-person church has been a huge blessing. There is only so much “zoom fellowship” you can do. Meeting together and singing unto the Lord with the body of Christ, is an absolute joy! Life otherwise has been pretty much routine – no complaints there 😉 Anything with less drama is always a win-win situation. I hope all of you are keeping well and taking one day at a time, enjoying every moment, and remembering that life is a gift from God 🙂


Honest Conversations

In a day and age where everyone is pretending to be ok, it is a breath of fresh air to have a honest conversation with someone. I would rather spend time with a person who is grieving, than be with someone who is trying to put on a facade that life is perfect and dandy.

It is in the hard conversations where you are able to find that common bond and realize that we are all broken and have the same struggles. In the world of Instagram and Facebook where only the best side of people are showcased (with filters – literally and metaphorically) it is nice to sit down with real people and share real stories.

I know it feels like I am rambling here, but a lot has been on my mind lately about how people are not ready to be vulnerable. If you like someone say it, if you are sad just say it. You never know what the response from the person in front of you will be till you talk about it. Trust me, most of the time it will be a pleasant surprise and not as horrific as you imagine it in your head.

I think that is where the problem is.We overthink so much that something small which can be resolved easily, turns out to be a big monster that you have created. I know it comes easy for me to speak my mind and I am learning to be compassionate towards those who don’t. I know it is not easy but we have to start somewhere.

Life · Uncategorized

Humour as a Medicine

Last couple of weeks I felt like I have had a cloud of gloom hover over my head. Life as we know it has varied seasons. I was obviously going through some of my lowest moments. Even as I was not interested in things going on in the entertainment industry, in my usual viewings of my youtube videos, I stumbled upon the one below. I praise God for giving us the emotion of humour. Even as I did not believe as I started watching the video that I would feel any better than before, I was left laughing for quite some time. After a long time I was happy and I hope this entertains you. Have a wonderful day!

Video: Jamie Foxx Shares His Hilarious Fitness Goals for 2020


Life · Uncategorized

The unexpected breaks…

I felt it was just yesterday when we were bringing in 2016.Now we are  already in September with only 3 months till the end of the year. Sometimes work can take a lot out of you, where you actually forget to slow down and smell the roses:)

I have felt that in the past couple of months and have been wanting to take a long break. Hoping I get to do that soon, but in the meanwhile I am enjoying the small unexpected rest periods due to my recurring bouts of flu:/

This monsoons have been absolutely crazy. It is  hot in the morning, cloudy during the day and cold at night. By the time I am recovering from my present illness, I catch a new one at the end of the first.

Knowing that God is sovereign over my life and he knows what is best for me, I try to make good use of all these breaks, like catch up on my reading, watch my favorite TV series and of course updating my blog:)

I hope that next time I  blog it won’t be out of compulsion, but because I really want to share something that is close to my heart 🙂




I am tired. Period. For  the last 6 months all I have felt is exhaustion- physical and emotional. So much has happened that I don’t think I have really had the time to comprehend what is goin on. Its like my body is coming to terms now with everything that is going on, and I am beginning to crash. I am  crying at the drop of a hat, getting upset on things that never bothered me before and I want to do is just take my blanket and go back to sleep.

I know this is just a phase and it shall pass soon. Really learning to lean on Christ at this point and keep my focus on Him. To remember He is the perfect High Priest and He can sympathize with my weaknesses. I am grateful for the Spirit within me that helps me to focus on truth even in these difficult days.